Comfort. A Peace of my Mind. Better than Fat Her’s Day. 

Comfort. A Peace of my Mind. Better than Fat Her’s Day. 

This morning I did a search for a phrase in my blog collection. I was was wondering if I had ever written a piece about Fat Her’s Day.  For some reason, this post showed up.

Source: Comfort. A Peace of my Mind.

Feel free to click the link and read it. Or just keep reading here. I’m not really sure why that one matched, but I’m glad it did. It helped me recognize that I have been numbing with food for a few days. It’s not comfort. It’s numbing. Just masking discomfort. Continue reading “Comfort. A Peace of my Mind. Better than Fat Her’s Day. “

May I have this stance?

May I have this stance?

I’d have posted a wonderful post

That was just a bit longer than most

But I dumped the whole schtick with the merest of flick

And now I have nothing to boast.

I was writing on my phone about the ski lesson we had at Schweitzer Mountain last month. Stance, and linking turns on the edges, and holding the poles in a more athletic way. I had so many parallels to my sugar addiction journey and tracking that I felt like a program on the psychology of weight loss should include alpine ski lessons. Sort of.

But I was typing on my phone and I messed up. It did save my title and the picture. I was telling a friend about the title and the turn of events and she said she said it sounded like circumstance. And maybe a little pomp.

Anyway, I’ll try to recapture the excitement of ski lessons and sugar addiction lessons another time. Right now, I’m going to add a link to my book. Because that’s part of my stance. I was reading it on Monday and it really helped me through a tricky curve in the day.

If you’re curious and want to order it (The I’m Possible Journey: Living with Sugar Addiction) check out the sales rank on Amazon before you do. Then check it after. You can do big things with the click of an order! Amazon raised the price last week and then put it back down this week. I think it’s 40% off. I have no power over their pricing and it doesn’t affect the small royalty I get eventually. If you do buy it, let me know what you think. Or rate it on Amazon! Thanks for reading.

I have access to my desktop and easier posting for a few days. But right now, I have other things I must do.

Oh, wait. The first line of my introductory poem is my nod to the I’ds of March. Moving on.

Sweet Potato and Cinnamon.

Sweet Potato and Cinnamon.

Yesterday, when I opened the fridge to figure out my breakfast, the first thing I saw was half of a leftover baked sweet potato.20170207_072318 I took it out along with a single egg and started an experiment. Muffin doing.

I peeled the skin off the potato, mashed the innards and cracked the egg into my cereal bowl.20170207_072403
Then I measured in a tablespoon of MCT oil, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, a pinch of freshly ground celtic sea salt (any salt would do–well, maybe not Epsom salt) and 1/2 tsp baking powder.  Then I mixed in a  scoop of Whey to Go unsweetened protein powder. 20170207_072846Once I had that all mixed up, I sprayed a little larger bowl with cooking spray and poured the batter in the greased bowl. I microwaved on high for 2-3 minutes, until the top was set. I  think the muffin I had this morning could have been nuked a bit longer because there was a little dimple of uncooked batter when I turned the muffin out on a plate. 20170207_074625.jpgMy experience with whey powder in microwaved muffins is that a little underdone is better than feeling like I’m eating a cellulose sponge more suited to washing a car than fueling me for breakfast.

This blog post is another experiment. If I have successfully done it, there will be more pictures than usual. I’ve invited my Weight Watchers Connect friends to visit and get the recipe for a picture I posted.

Welcome to new readers! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me here or on my Facebook page “The I’m Possible Journey”. Thanks for visiting. Best wishes to you!

Humpty Dumpty?

When defense is offensive and my back is up–on a wall. I think it’s safe to say that I’m poised for a great fall. Hump Day or Down in the Dumps Day, it matters not at all.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men. Do nothing to put me together again  it’s Awareness, Acceptance, and trying to Adapt. That turns me to a winner and leaves addiction slapped.

I am thankful to have had two good days in a row. I’m working on the third one and thought I’d let it show.

In explanation of the defense being offensive, I realized I was making excuses to myself (or maybe it was sugar making excuses) in defense of some poor choices I had made and seemed to be continuing to make. The offensiveness was aches, pains, muddled thinking, and feeling down that comes as a consequence of not using the tools that work for my best interest! In the processing of this, I’m pretty sure there aren’t any raisins for me to eat dried fruit. It wakes up my addiction and tends to make me uncomfortable.

Today I did some driving–about 250 miles. The return trip had potential for a justification that eating would help me stay awake and alert. But instead of snacking, I pulled into a rest area and took a nap for 10 minutes. Following that, I took a brisk walk to the rest room. Rested and comfortable again, I continued my trip. But I didn’t trip on food! I was aiming to get to the Jazzercise class on my way home and I made it with two minutes to spare.

I’m feeling like I’m put back together again!







Compass ion.

Compass ion.

I was thinking about compassion. And then I looked at the word again. Compass ion. What direction am I charging? Is there a negative or a positive trend? Proton or electron? (That sounds a bit, to me, like a weighty matter or a California governor campaign button in 1966.)  I’m not a physics major. Or even a physics minor. There wasn’t much chemistry when it came to me taking those courses. Right now, I’m writing myself out of charging to my fridge to have a snack that I really don’t need or want. And this is what I have to write about.

The picture above is full of irony. (I think that’s the right term–I have a few wrinkles in my literary department.) The ski jacket was full (and almost bursting) of me. I was obese, heading in the wrong direction (uphill and into the woods) at a ski resort named Sugarbush. I have nothing against the resort. It’s a great ski place in Vermont. I didn’t know at the time that I was a sugar addict. When I found out and started learning how to manage it, I chose this picture as my profile on my Weight Watchers blog. That blog has since been dismantled, but now I have this blog and here I am.

Since this blog is an outlet for me in my sugar addiction management, it seems appropriate to write about stuff whether it hertz or not. (Ooooch. That hertz a little.)

Sometimes I refer to myself as Moo-reen when I’ve been having trouble with grazing. (The effects of me eating like a cow tend to make me feel like a cow–getting ready for market. Some people do well to eat often. But I’ve proved, many times, that I don’t do well or feel well eating often. I need start and stop times for eating.  I also need a decent amount of time in between sessions. I can justify extended stop times enough to drag a “meal” out for an hour or more. Or I can try to convince myself a planned snack is starting and stopping. But then the planned snacks tend to start and stop minutes apart all afternoon. I do what works for me to feel healthy. Three meals a day with protein. No grazing. It’s a positive thing for me.

Back to the physics. If I attempt to write about compass ion, would it be appropriate to call myself μ-reen? Well, I don’t know if Mu has much to do with ions, but a quick look on Yahoo answers gave me a reason to use it: reduced mass in the two-body problem  I used to fill out an extra large men’s ski jacket. And then I reduced my mass. The following picture is the resulting two-body solution:

The jacket was sold as a three in one system (fleece liner, outer shell, or used together), but after I shrunk myself, we were able to get two in one!  I’m sharing it with my daughter.

I don’t know much about physics but I live it every day. Time and space and distance while working or at play. Over most of it I really don’t have very much control. And in cases of my clutter drawer, I’m seeing a black hole. It doesn’t really matter if I know the nuts and bolt. But a certain lack of knowledge could cause a major jolt. I play with words and blog my thoughts to keep me back from sweets. There’s an “eat” in creativity I think is rather neats. And when I would go off the rails and eat my way to dinner. I’m writing my way instead, on here. I will emerge a winner.

Okay. Back to compass ion. I enjoyed thinking about positivity and negativity and which direction I tend to go. When my inner compass is calibrated right, I can see and feel positives better. When sugar, or something else, has compromised my thoughts and body, I tend to be more negative and sluggish. (I’m not making grand statements about slugs, but I just realized they shrink from the salt of the earth.)

I did look at a YouTube video about positive and negative charge, or ions. I found it interesting to be reminded that neutral objects can be polarized when they’re next to positive or negatively charged ions. I prefer the idea of polarization as it concerns Polar flavored seltzers mixed in green smoothies. But the idea of attracting and repelling gave me a little food for thought.

My conclusion is that compassion doesn’t need to be split apart as a word. I appreciate the compassion I’ve been shown from others. Sympathy, concern, love, care, encouragement, a smile, and so much more. In positive and negative experiences. I’d like to know better how to show compassion to others and myself. It’s a positive direction for me.

Part of my objective for writing and publishing a book about my experiences with sugar addiction is that it provides an opportunity for folks who have no idea what sugar addiction is like to have a little compassion for those who know it all too well. My book is not an excuse for my aches and pains, mood swings, obesity, and yo-yo dieting. It’s my experience of becoming aware and accepting that there are negative consequences for me if I don’t adapt my behaviors to manage my addiction.

My book is not a judgement on people who have health problems. And it’s not a “how to” magic bullet. It’s a realization that sometimes just snapping out of it or going on a diet is not a viable option. What it is, for me, is a record of where my compass has taken me when I’ve paid attention to how I feel and what I do and eat. It’s taken me to a place I thought it was impossible to get to. It’s taken me to me. And I can go on from here. I’m Possible. And you are too. With compassion.

What direction are you headed? Is there anything I can do to help?


Muffin for breakfast.

Muffin for breakfast.

I’m not having nothing for breakfast. Muffin of the sort.

I was almost done eating my breakfast when I decided to take a picture and write down the recipe.

1 T MCT oil
1/4 c unsweetened applesauce
1 egg
1/4 cup ground flax meal
1 tsp baking powder
1 T chia seeds
1 scoop Whey to Go unsweetened protein powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Mix in cereal bowl. Microwave on high 2 minutes. Turn muffin onto plate. Top with 1/3 cup Greek yogurt (plain whole milk).

This is a high smart point breakfast and it’s just what I need for fuel right now. Deliciously satisfying and enough.
Honest eating and tracking for my benefit!

I’m looking forward to a delicious lunch of fish, veggies and fruit. Supper will be vegetable beef stew.

I will keep hydrated, not carbohydrated, through the day.

It’s what works for me. Come what may (or December)!
#realitycheck #lifetime #successstory #incontrol #livingrecovery #nosugaradded #community #sugaraddict #addictionawareness

Comfort. A Peace of my Mind.

Food doesn’t offer me comfort. The memories tied to it do. How many times have I eaten that stuff–roux leading straight to rue?

That street is not the way for me to go. ‘Tis better for me to just say, “Know!”

It’s best to be aware of where it is going–the pit falls and pot holes that cause a wreck and if there’s anything left(over) it will need a towing back to repair from the depths of despair.  (To make a rhyme from this reason. That’s a rap.)

It’s better for me to toe the line and not crossover for a collision–with my head handed over to sugar and a total loss of vision.

I’ve spent a great many long hard years wirh comfort food tending to lead me to tears.

Not everyone has an addiction. But I, most certainly, do. My comfort is not in the eating. My comfort is simply eschew!

If the smallest bite leads me out of control with sugar driving me crazys, I must stay away from the tasting part that could lead to me pushing up daisies.

It’s a matter of fact that I want to feel well and it’s also a fact I continue to tell: Sugar simply sends me to

a very bad place. I think I’d rather have egg on my face. Protein and fat and writing all that, help me to stick with my GOAL. Going On And Living. I’m Possible. In control!

This post was inspired by the Weight Watchers Connect hashtag prompt #comfortfoodday. My brain wanted to read it as comfort for today.

I will take that as a sign of my paradigm shift because comfort and food don’t work together for me.

I used to think they did. I have a lot of experience with trying to make that work. My top weight (253),moo’d swings, and aching, out of breath body was all the “comfort” I got from food.

By the way, “moo’d” was my phone’s autocorrect for “mood”. This is one of the few times the phone was right. My mood swings were related to my grazing through the day–a symptom of my unmanaged sugar addiction!

And now I’m reminded of a blog post I wrote about comfort. Come for Tea. It works for me.

That blog entry starts on page 286 of my book (The I’m Possible Journey: Learning to Live with Sugar Addiction). The sub heading is “I found comfort in food for thought.”

I’m going to fix myself a cup of tea. Would you like to have a cup with me?

Best wishes for a peace and comfort. There’s some food for thought!

What are you electing?

I’m electing to eat healthy. It’s what I can control. I won’t be trapped and tightly wrapped around a cinnamon roll.

I’ve elected to take probiotics: it’s a feeling in my gut. I’m moving right along–with progress, not a but.

The opposite of progress has things all blocked and stopped. Would you think to call it congress? Things are better cleaned and mopped.

I’m not really talking politics– the tics and toxic of time. It’s just the thoughts that came to me and then came out in rhyme.

So on this big election day, I’ll exercise my suffrage right. And then, perhaps, I’ll take a run and hold my freedom tight.

My freedom from the wiles of sugar helps me be more stable. I can say a hearty “Nay.” I’m possible and I’m able!

I can serve my needs and help another know they’re possible, too. Outstanding in the Possible field, not grazing and saying, “Moo!”

Check out my book, The I’m Possible Journey: Learning to Live with Sugar Addiction. It’s not history or herstory. It’s not a mystery,  it’s mystory.

Encouraging me to continue to do what works for me. Encouraging you to find and do what works for you. Or perhaps it will be an encouragement towards understanding and compassion for an addict’s journey, wherever they might be right now.

Thanks for reading. What do you think?