Watermelon Reduced to Tiers

My 60th birthday was last week. My husband and I were away for the day. A friend was working at our house while we were gone. When we got home, supper was ready and there was a watermelon birthday cake with candles. The whole thing was sweet. And I was touched.

I posted a picture of the birthday cake my friend made for me.

One candle per decade.

Another friend sent me a picture of another cake. She thought I might like to have it for next year.

Screenshot from Facebook post.

But instead of waiting for next year, I noted the tiers and moved some gears to experiment right away. This is how it turned out.

It reminds me of a wedding cake. The kind you do not have to bake. It’s gluten free, dairy free, and no sugar added. Another friend noted that it’s also soy free. And nut free. (Although it could be said I went a little nuts with the decorations.)

I worked on this project after supper tonight. No snacking. I don’t eat after supper. It’s a bright line in my sugar addiction management.

The bright line is a given with no decision making or will power involved. (For example: Because I don’t smoke, I don’t have to make a decision to not smoke. I just don’t smoke.) Some of my bright lines got a little muddled over the last couple of years.

But recently I feel like I have made a huge step back to bright lines. I’m revisiting the original guidelines I found in Potatoes not Prozac by K DesMaisons PhD. It’s what helped me lose close to a hundred pounds ten years ago when I greatly reduced my sugar intake and had a goal of feeling better.

I have proved, many times, that dieting doesn’t work for me. And I have proven it again. My weight has climbed and I haven’t been feeling great. So I have changed the dim and dead bulbs in my bright lines. I can see my way clearer and I like it.

I continue on my I’m Possible journey. I continue to learn to live with sugar addiction. Fine tuning and noticing what works best. Thankful again that I know, for me, life is sweeter without sugar and processed carbs.

Next month, I will be at a wedding with traditional cake and punch and all the rest of it. I know there will be good options that are safe for me to eat. I will have my bright lines. And I will be thankful.

Thanks for reading this. Please comment and let me know your thoughts. Best wishes.

Stress Mess Clean Up.

I didn’t eat on Saturday
The scale showed: down three pounds.
I ate three meals on Sunday and took a walk arounds.

Today, the scale showed down some more
I’ll take that as a win
In taking back the way I feel
At least, a strong begin.

Stressful eating is a drag
In way more ways than one.
The numbness lasts just until
The bag of chips is done.

Or maybe it was “healthy” food
In just unhealthy measures
Addiction rages stealthily
And tries to rob all treasures.

The treasure of my peace of mind,
The treasure of an act of kind
The treasure of some self control
The treasure of a peaceful soul.
The treasure of just feeling whole.

Today I”ve had a cup o joe,
Vitamins, and water.
I’ll break the fast with lunch and then
I’ll wait until supper to eat again.

I’ve mowed the lawn
And written this poem
If you want to read more
Go look up my “tome”

The I’m Possible Journey:  Learning to Live with Sugar Addiction by Maureen Aliprandi

I write as part of my sugar addiction management process.

It works for me when I do it (not diet).

Stand Up Apples and Mug Shots.

I was amused by the new dessert I made today. Stand Up Apples. They are quartered and baked apples that are standing up in a casserole dish. No joke. Just apples, cinnamon, and some heat. How do you like them apples? I suppose if no one likes them, they’ll be Stood Up Apples.

I haven’t been writing much. And it shows. In my face and hips and aches and pains. I still don’t eat added sugar, but eating between meals has added a level of discomfort.

It should be easy to just say no, but it feels like it isn’t easy. And then there are the times that I don’t seem to want to say no. Or, I want to say no, but there I am shoving food in my mouth. That feels like addiction.

I originally started writing to distract myself from eating between meals. If I could write, I would be all right. And sometimes that happened morning, noon, and night.

I think the eat in crEATive satisfied me more than food. Or, at least, it satisfied me, Maur-een.

And now, onto mug shots. Sometimes addiction problems lead to mug shots. As in arrest documentation. But these mug shots don’t  have anything to do with that.

The mug shots I have posted are of a mug I received in the mail today. It’s a mug I ordered from #mesawademudworks in Wyoming. The potter is my daughter. She throws pots when her kids aren’t resisting a rest.

Back to Stand Up. I wonder how many jokes have been made about a young mother who throws pots when her babies are napping.

When I tell people my daughter throws pots and fires them, I wonder if they’ll think she’s on an extreme cooking reality show. Not really. I’m just amused by the thought. 

But back to the mug. It’s a beautiful mug. It’s nice to hold. It’s nice to drink from. And it’s nice that it doesn’t seem to drip down the front while I am drinking.

Last time I checked, there weren’t any mugs for sale on her Etsy store. But I think there will be more. Soon.

You can go to her instagram site to see what she’s made and click on the link to her store. https://instagram.com/mesawade.mudworks?utm_medium=copy_link

Continue reading “Stand Up Apples and Mug Shots.”

New Horizons

New Horizons

It’s easy to think about horizons in the midwest. We just got back from a roadtrip that involved a lot of driving in the great plains.

But, today, at home in the northeast, I am thinking about “her eyes on”. As in: what is my focus?

I like to think of the apostrophe as “a pause trophy” in my I’m Possible Journey. Taking a moment to consider the prize (trophy) helps turn the impossible to I’m Possible.

So, I think about horizons and “her eye’s on” the prize. My prize in learning to live with sugar addiction was, and continues to be, to feel good. That prize helps me feel thankful to know how, when, and what I need to eat for that to happen. Thankfulness is a wonderful thing.

I used to feel like sweets and desserts were a prize. “Eat your veggies and then you can have dessert!” That’s not necessarily a bad concept. But for me, it wasn’t a great thing. The prize of sugar was actually the pry bar of a drug digging in at a wedge to take control of my impulses. Yes. Sugar pries my self control away from me and just wants more. That’s called addiction, I think.

Yes. A wedge of pie against the sky. “Her eyes on” pie. A do or die. Control or not a will to try. Sigh.

Actually, it’s not as bad as that. I have learned to adapt my palate to eat way more than meat and salad. I’m thankful to avoid sugar and processed carbohydrates that, to my body and brain, are just like sugar. Keeping those things out of my system helps me keep my eyes on the prize of good health. Physical and emotional.

So perhaps the lesson for me is to be full of thanks instead of sugar! Her eyes on the prize of healthy and well.

Her eye’s on: Horizon



The solution to stressed is not desserts. it’s a backwards approach at best. Unless it is simply to back away without caving to the test.

Turning to food like a numbing drug is not the answer, I know. Give me a run or a paper and pun. ‘Tis a vent so I don’t have to blow.

That imag’ry conjures the thought of a whale–the size I approached e’re I’m Possible tale.

I’ve used AAA to change my attire. From Michelin padded to thin as a wire*. With the Weight Watchers tools and some bright line rules. Awareness, Acceptance, Adapting. No fools.

Stress is a matter of fact part of life. It can’t be knocked out with a spoon fork or knife. Just dealt with: good choices for heart healthy life..

* poetic license. I’m not as thin as a wire, but I wear size small!

I wrote this post with a Weight Watchers prompt. It could seem like it’s all about prose. If you read with a beat, you might find it neat: an amateur poem’s how it goes.

I wrote this post nearly five years ago while I was traveling to Wyoming to visit my daughter and son-in-law at their new home.

I don’t remember if I published a form of it, but I found it in my WordPress drafts this week and I liked reading it. Maybe you will, too!

Currently, my husband and I are driving through Pennsylvania on our way home from Wyoming. We are hoping to get there before the next winter storm catches up to us.

Just trying to avoid being over stressed.

What’s Up?

What’s Up?

Well, for one thing, my weight is up. I have proven that I don’t do well when I lose my bright lines and don’t use my sugar addiction management guidelines.

I came home from a quick trip to Wyoming in the middle of March. “Beware the I’ds of March” is what comes to mind right now.

If I’d only stayed with my plan with the thought of “actually I can” when the pandemonium started. I’d be moving along with a healthy song instead of feeling half hearted.

But that’s not what happened and now, come what May, the extra pounds seem to want to stay and invite more in (much to my chagrin).

I could sit and stew about the I’ds, or say I’ve had enough of eating foolishly for me and adding all the fluff.

There is no blame, it makes me b-lame. It’s a learning experience here and after. I’m doing all write. I’m back on this sight. And I’m smiling and headed for laughter. (I once wrote about BLAME. Take out the LE as Learning Experience and you have BAM left to get it done: Be Amazingly Motivated!)

Yesterday was a full fledged attack and re-treat with food addiction. I didn’t have any refined sugar or carbs, but I ate like there was no tomorrow. Or maybe not quite that dramatic. But there was a definite feeling of out of control with the food and the mood and it just wasn’t good.

But today is different. Continue reading “What’s Up?”

Tipping Point.

This title is loaded. And I’m not completely sure where it’s going. But perhaps that’s the point. Or part of it anyway. (Or any weigh, if the point alludes to Weight Watchers. But I digress. (Or digest.)) But first, speaking of weighing, I reached a tipping point on the scale one day–I thought I would just be obese for the rest of my life. I tipped into the idea of just feeling better. And that made a huge difference. So huge, that my clothing size went from XXL to small.

But what I’m really thinking about is me writing a book and using marketing to promote it. I wrote a book while I was learning to live with sugar addiction. My purpose was not to write a book. My purpose was to feel better. But the tools I used to help me feel better involved writing about how I was feeling. I chose to write blog posts on the Weight Watchers community site. And at some point, I chose to let some people know that I was writing.

Something tipped me from anonymity to identity. Perhaps it was because I was making a dent in myself by losing over seventy-five pounds and people were interested in knowing how I’d done it. Whatever the reason, I did reveal myself and some people were interested in reading what I’d written.

With some encouragement from friends and family, I turned my blog posts into a book and published that book in 2016. I really wanted a paperback reference book for myself as a help in my continued journey with sugar addiction management. I also thought there was a chance I could offer motivation and hope to others who struggled with similar sensitivities to sugar. I wanted people to know that there was an alternative to yo-yo dieting, lack of impulse controls, and the misery all of that includes. Someone also suggested that my experience would be a huge help to people living with sugar addicts. It would offer insight into the workings of an addict’s thought process (or lack thereof).

I used a self publishing company (iUniverse) and quickly found that the money maker in being a self published author was the publishing house. Everything had a price tag and most of the time it was big. I worked with the company for a couple of years and finally had my book published in 2016. My friends and family were very supportive and bought my book. Some friends and family even posted glowing reviews. I started this WordPress blog and also worked on marketing my book through social media.

I made a few connections and made some new friends in the book world. And I appreciate the support I’ve had from other authors. Jena Henry (The Golden Age of Charli series) was a huge help to me before and after my book was published. She provided a blurb for the back cover of my book, a guest spot on her blog, and friendship that included a meeting at her house, hot pepper jam and biscotti. (Although I do not eat hot pepper jam and biscotti, I do enjoy making them.)

The sale price on Amazon was less than I could buy with my author discount until my book buy back program (for wholesale buyers) ran out and then they upped the cost to the cover price ($22.99). I had book re-publishers call me with lots of praise for my book and offers to re-format it with a different cover and lower price–they said my book was too expensive. They would do all the revisions for free if I bought a marketing package payable in three installments of lots of money. But I didn’t bite.

Early this year, my original publishing company called again with a marketing proposal. They said I should give my book a fair chance by giving it exposure to a larger audience. (This author-operated blog has reached readers all around the globe, but it hasn’t generated book sales.) I had given a low cost marketing company a try last year, but all it had done was assured me that the ad was eye-catching enough to generate a lot of clicks, but there were absolutely no book sales generated (conversions).

I told the iUniverse marketing rep that other companies had been calling me and had offered to republish my paperback book at a lower cost if I would purchase their expensive marketing. For some reason, iUniverse was able to offer me the same type of deal with a month long, lower cost marketing book blast email promotion that would offer my ebook for ninety-nine cents. And for some reason, I decided to do it.

I wanted the lower cost paperback to be available during the ebook sale. I worked with the publisher to lower the page count. I changed the font size and I changed some spacing. I removed the glyphs between the blog entries and took out some excess words. I also changed the cover design to better reflect me and my journey. And when all that was done, I had a paperback book that told my story and only would cost $13.99.

Once that was in place, the month long marketing program started. There were no guarantees of book sales. The only guarantee was a report of the analytics generated by the campaign–how many clicks.

I figured it wouldn’t hurt to do my own marketing while the ebook was on sale. I mentioned it on the WW Connect app, in this blog, and on Facebook. There were a few people who bought the ebook. I could tell by the sales ranking that Amazon provides in the product details that there was activity.  I went from over one millionth on the best sellers list to under 200,000. (If you’re curious, make a purchase and go back to see how much of a difference you’ve made. It’s inexpensive fun!)

Early on in my publishing journey, I heard that most effective marketing tool is word of mouth advertising. If all of my friends who bought the book told their friends about it and just one of each of my friends’ friends bought the book and told their friends about it with the same following effect, the market reach would be phenomenal. And there’s that thing called a tipping point that a Google search defined as “the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.” That hasn’t happened. Yet.

Tipping point evokes a few different images in my mind. One is at the end of a restaurant meal. Another would be that off balance rain barrel that topples over when just one more drop of water was too much for it to stay upright. And then there’s that balance beam scale that used to be at the doctor’s office until they went digital.

When I started this marketing campaign, I was thinking a positive response could be the tipping point for me to seriously work on publishing more books, including an already started cookbook of no sugar added entrees, sides, and desserts. It was also possible that a less than enthusiastic response could be the tipping point for me to withdraw from publishing anything else.

I have been a little concerned that a less than enthusiastic result of marketing could be a tipping point for me to feel that this whole book project was a waste of time. (Insert mental image of an herb dieter with a waist of thyme.) I have to remember that this book has helped me regain control over a serious sugar problem more (e’en) than once. That’s worth a lot on a personal level. No. This book project is not worthless. And neither am I.

By the way, this isn’t a manipulative attempt to get you to buy my book so I won’t slip into deep depression. I’m okay either way. (But not either weigh. I like being healthy.) I have, by writing and paying attention to how I feel, continued my I’m Possible Journey of Living with Sugar Addiction. It’s priceless.

I think the ebook promotion ends tomorrow. Today is your last day to download it for only ninety-nine cents.  The normal price is $3.99. The paperback version, however, will still be a mere $13.99 to purchase. You might find either version priceless if it helps you have hope and inspiration to get control over sugar. Or even if it just makes you smile.

UPDATE ON THE EBOOK PRICE: The price will return to $3.99 in the next week or two. I’m not sure why, but you’ve got more time!

Thank you for reading this. I’ll let you know how things go.

Can you Afford to Pay Attention?

Can you Afford to Pay Attention?

Perhaps the better question is, “Can you afford to NOT pay attention?” I saw a documentary this past week. It had to do with detrimental effects of food on health.  (And beneficial effects of eating “properly”.) Poor nutrition is not just a problem for mental health. It’s a problem for physical well being.

I was quite interested in the film until it took a definite turn toward vegetarianism. And then the tone turned to the possiblity that climate change is because we eat meat. Sorry. I don’t get involved in blanket statements about the climate or what people eat.

But I do recommend paying attention to what one eats. And how one feels. During the eating and also afterward. Some people can eat anything and feel great. Other people find that eating sugar makes them feel great while they’re eating it, but after the last swallow, they feel fowled up.

I’ve paid attention enough to know that sugar compromises my health. My mental and physical health. I suspected that for years before I actually did anything about it. Well, I thought it was impossible to get control over sugar. But, by paying attention to what my mind and body were trying to tell me, I found out I’m Possible.

In the past month, I’ve gotten a little bogged down by diet mentality. Eat this. Don’t eat that. You should eat in the Keto style. Or the Paleo style. Vegan. Vegetarian. Plant based. Low Carb High Fat. No pork. No tuna. Only eat by the light of the luna. No sugar. No dairy. No gluten. No berry. Fast. Slow. Tick. Talk. Use a wok. Always set up cookie block. Whole 30. Whole hog. Oil. Foil. Artery clog.

It starts to feel like a Dr. Seuss book gone haywire. (Speaking of hay, I actually had a week of grazing. Not on hay, and not on sugar, but on lots of other stuff. When I finally paid attention, I realized I felt lousy and stopped grazing. Eventually.)

What works for me works for me. The other stuff turns into sensory overload and a meltdown (which should not be confused with a melt-away).

So. Sensory overload. Sense Or Why? When I go with the Why? I tend to overload my plate and my senses go numb. What makes sense for me is to pay attention to labels, ask for help with menu selections, keep to three meals a day and, and not forget to take a multivitamin.

I know a few people who are trying to be healthier. Well, they’re trying to lose weight. I hope they become healthier. I can’t know what will work for them, but I can encourage them to pay attention.

And speaking of paying, my ebook is on sale until May 6. Would you pay 99 cents for motivation to pay attention? I won’t tell you what to do. But I can encourage you to look at things from a different angle. The try-angle. I will encourage you to not use tools if you try them and they don’t work for you.

Eating healthy and being healthy don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. But you might want to pay attention.



Home from the Range! The I’m Possible Journey Continues.

Home from the Range! The I’m Possible Journey Continues.

I’ve been traveling for the past two weeks. Most recently, I spent a week in Wyoming. I didn’t see any buffalo, but I saw antelope playing on the range. Continue reading “Home from the Range! The I’m Possible Journey Continues.”

I’m Possible and You Are, Too!

I’m Possible and You Are, Too!
Maureen Aliprandi was obese and heading in the wrong direction on the slippery slope of sugar addiction. After many failed attempts to navigate a trail to good health, she turned her journey from impossible to I’m Possible by following some simple guidelines she found in a book about sugar sensitivity.
This inspirational collection of poems and prose highlights how Maureen changed her paradigm to lose (and keep off) over seventy-five pounds. She shares insights from her journey of learning to live with sugar addiction–from being controlled by an “inner sugar monster” to being in control of her foods and her moods.
Maureen’s clear and friendly voice will encourage you in your own journey to good health as you:
• Learn to pay attention to what you eat and how you feel;
• Focus on feeling better instead of dieting;
• Abandon excuses that prevent you from living a healthier lifestyle;
• Accept that sugar addiction is real and learn to live with it if you have it.
Rediscover your life and change your eating habits for good with the practical inspiration and hilarious wordplay in The I’m Possible Journey. Read it from cover to cover or dip in anywhere and read a poem or two as a quick pick me up or as a distraction from impulsive eating. You will find that you are possible, too!
This will be the new wording for the book description on the back cover of my repackaged book. It’s not live yet, but it’s coming soon. cropped-coveridea1.jpg