Moving on.

I do not find encouragement

In a place of guilt.

I find it in some thankfulness

However the scale will tilt.


The number there is just a tool—

I’m so much more than that.

I’m thankful to know just what to do

If I’m skinny or if I feel fat!


When I pay attention to what I eat

And how my mind is feeling

I can take control over sugar’s blow

Instead of simply reeling.


Il track my moods and eat good foods

I am strong and will not wilt.

I move on from the scale.

Encouraged—not a fail.

Thankful–not filled with guilt!


I’m still working on this concept.

It has taken me many a year.

I’ve had some slips

And things pad my hips

That could cause me to shed a tear.


But I feel like I’ve turned a corner.

I’m finding more e’en to cheer.

This way to cope

Tends more to hope

Instead of to guilt and fear!


So Hip, hips away!

It’s Saturday!

I’m so glad to have a plan!

I’m going to do

My best (you can, too)!

With a thankful spirit, we can!


I’ve been working my tool of creative writing on the Weight Watchers Connect site. It’s not my favorite place to write. But I’m making it work for me. I’m in a mode (but I don’t have a code) of rhyming poetry.

Retirement is a huge change. It’s not bad. Parts of it are great. We’ve skied eleven times this season with our Max Passes. The weather looks favorable for more. And Maureen’s happy about that! The biggest help I’ve had with the changes of retirement is accepting that they don’t have to be figured out all at once. We’re exploring what works. And enjoying the ride most of the time.

My book talk went very well. I’ll like to do more of them, but I have to figure out how to drum up interest. There were seventeen people who showed up and were engaged in listening and asking questions. Perhaps I had the right ring about me.

I’ll write more when I can. The above poem is one that came to me when I was thinking about discouragement. I found it more helpful to think about encouragement and I’m thankful that happened!

My I’m Possible Journey continues. I am thankful for all the help along the way. Thanks for being here.

Doing the Write Thing.

Doing the Write Thing.

I’ve been doing my writing on the Weight Watchers Connect site lately. It’s not my favorite place to write because it’s a bit awkward typing on my phone and there’s not much interaction with people. But then again….

Here’s something from this morning. I woke up in rhyming mode. Put on your life preserver. This is stream of consciousness rapid rafting. Or maybe it’s rapping. Continue reading “Doing the Write Thing.”

Mot I’ve ate. Or Motivate.

Mot I’ve ate. Or Motivate.

She who hesitates contracts
A pause trophy can win
Instead of eating up her words
And heading out of thin.
(Impossible turns to I’m Possible
And that’s the start of begin.)

What motivates a mouth to eat
A feeling into numb. Continue reading “Mot I’ve ate. Or Motivate.”