Insider Information.

Insider Information.

This post shouldn’t trigger any SEC audits. I’m just writing about how I feel inside.

Facebook reminded me this morning that on this date three years ago, I spoke twice at a “One Amazing Day” event at my local Weight Watchers center. I bought a new outfit, had my picture taken in it, and gave my talk. Three years later and I can wear the same outfit. I can’t say “still” wear the same outfit because I needed to learn more about living with sugar addiction.

Before I gave my talk, someone from Weight Watchers asked me to tone down the sugar part of my success story (She didn’t want anyone to think they had to greatly reduce sugar to lose weight on Weight Watchers). That was enough of a wedge to sow a doubt. “Maybe I’m not really that sensitive to sugar.”

It took me a few months to realize that was a mistake. And it took me a couple of years to work (write) through it. I didn’t gain all of my weight back but I struggled with a small scale yo-yo that was enough to make me lose my free eTools and dangerously flirt with obesity again.

I kept blogging, though. And I started seriously working on my book manuscript. Looking back, I can honestly say I had nearly given up hope of getting control over sugar again. But here I am. More convinced than ever that I have an addiction to sugar. More convinced than ever that my tools and guidelines for my health work for me. And more e’en convinced than ever that it’s worth it for me to use them. They help me be me. They don’t allow sugar to control my lifestyle. I’m possible. And free. (I still use the WW tools to log my foods and blog my moods, but I don’t pay for them.)
The great irony is that the new Weight Watchers program now steers its members away from sugar. They don’t believe in sugar addiction, though. I ‘ve been told by more than one meeting leader that there’s no such thing. My response? Perhaps it goes with my Boston roots. WAIT’IL NEXT YE’AH! (Awe tha one aftah.)

I have insider information. I’ve learned what works for me to feel healthy. I’ve got a pen-and (pennant) I’m using it. Tracking my foods and moods for the win whether I’m on the road or a home run. Feeling fine at Lifetime!

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